Nikon Asia has faced criticism across social media after their Nikon D850 campaign featured 32 male photographers and no women.

The photographers were chosen to trial the latest FX-format DSLR across Japan to ‘demonstrate the versatility’ of the camera. Criticism began when wrote an article asking if their new camera was only for men. From there, it spread across social media.

The D850 was introduced by Nikon in August as a 45.7MP full-frame DSLR, which shoots at 7fps up to ISO 102,400.

One such criticism came from American photojournalist and Nikon ambassador, Lynsey Addario, who responded to the Nikon D850 campaign by saying ‘Guess they forgot to invite me?’

Nikon Asia issued an initial apology on their Twitter page in response to these comments across social media.

A spokesperson said: “Unfortunately, the female photographers we had invited for this meet were unable to attend, and we acknowledge that we had not put enough of a focus on this area.”

The full apology can be seen in the tweet put out by Nikon Asia below.

However the company faced even more pressure from users who felt this did not go far enough.

The company then posted another apology via their Nikon USA Twitter page.

A spokesperson said: “We apologize for this unfortunate circumstance – it is not reflective of the value we place on female photographers and their enormous contributions to the field of photography.

“We champion all passionate photographers and women are an integral part of this community.”

The Nikon USA team have also been reaching out in their replies to users angered about the campaign.

The full apology read:

We apologize for this unfortunate circumstance – it is not reflective of the value we place on female photographers and their enormous contributions to the field of photography. We champion all passionate photographers and women are an integral part of this community. There are talented women serving as members of the Nikon USA Ambassador program that play a pivotal role in representing the Nikon brand. We know the conversation happening is an important one. We appreciate the need to continue to improve the representation of women in this field, and recognize our responsibility to support the immense creative talent of female photographers.

So, what do you think? Was the Nikon Asia D850 campaign sexist or do you not see what all the fuss is about?

Let us know in our poll below.