Twelve hours, twelve subjects and twelve shots are the key ingredients in next month?s ?photomarathon? – billed as a competition with a twist.
Previously restricted to Cardiff this year?s photography challenge has now been extended to Glasgow.
Both events take place on 16 June and require participants to bring with them a 35mm film camera. Entrants do not have to live in Glasgow or Cardiff to take part.
Armed with film and their first four ?topics? contestants are asked to spend the first four hours shooting one image per subject, in the order given to them by organisers.
This routine is then repeated twice more until all 12 topics have been covered over the 12 hour period stipulated in the rules.
The contest, now in its fourth year, was brought to the UK by Cardiff-based photographer Betina Skovbro who said: ?All you need is to be able to hold a camera ? you don?t need to be a fantastic photographer. It is more about creative expression than photography.?
Entry costs £15 and the resulting entries will go on show in free exhibitions starting in each city on 7 July.
Betina added: ?This is also a chance to see your city in a new light, rather than just going from A to B and taking no notice of what is around you. During photomarathon you are looking for inspiration and at sights you may never have even noticed before.?
Promoted by organisers as ?Two Cities: One Vision? this year?s action kicks-off at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff and The Mitchell library in Glasgow.
For details and to download an entry form visit
The closing date for registration is 1 June.
Picture credit: Betina Skovbro