‘Amateur Photographer of the Year 2011’

Amateur Photographer of the Year 2011

Details on how to enter this year’s APOY competition by email & post; terms and conditions; plan your APOY year.


Round Ten – Shooting at Night – Night and Low Light Photography

Round Nine – Black & White – Monochrome

Round Eight – Shooting Skies – Skies at dawn, during the day, at sunset or at night

Round Seven – Away from Home – Travel Photography

Round Six – People of at Home – Portraits

Round Five – Creative Wildlife – UK and foreign wildlife

Round Four – Macro in Nature – Photographing nature up close

Round Three – Streets and Walkways – Street Photography

Round Two – Inside a Building – Architecture (urban or rural)

Round One – Shooting Trees – Trees, forests and woodlands


Round Ten – Shooting at Night

Round Nine – Black & White Results

Round Eight – Shooting Skies Results

Round Seven – Away from Home Results

Round Six – People at Home Results

Round Five – Creative Wildlife Results

Round Four – Macro in Nature Results

Round Three – Streets and Walkways Results

Round Two – Inside a Building Results

Round One – Shooting Trees Results

View the winning Images in the APOY Gallery

See the APOY 2011 Leader Board

In association with Canon