Round 3: Intimate Detail
?Intimate detail? can have multiple meanings. You may have your camera with you on a walk into town and notice an intricate carving in the façade of your local church, or on the way back you are struck by small patterns in the fabric of the seats on your bus. Then again, maybe you want to take a traditional macro shot of the detail on the coin you found beneath the seat.
Or perhaps the words ?intimate detail?, to you, suggest emotion. You may want to photograph your cat grooming her newborn kittens or, if she?ll let you, your spouse after the two of you have had an argument ? though we wouldn?t recommend this! As always, how you fulfil the theme of this round largely depends on what it means to you. We are looking for images that are both creative and technically superb.
It’s up to you to bring it to us and to your fellow AP readers. This is your chance to show us how you see the world. The closing date for APOY Round 3 entries is 25 April. See AP 5 April for an entry form.
First Prize
Samsung GX-10 (body only), worth £450. Included with the GX-10 camera body is a
100mm lens, worth £399, and two SEF-36 PFZ flashes, each worth £199 (total £398). In total, the first-place winner of this round will receive nearly £1,300 worth of prizes
Second Prize
Samsung GX-10 standard kit, worth £500. Included in the standard kit is the GX-10 camera body and an 18-55mm standard lens. The GX-10 boasts 10.2 million effective pixels, 11 shooting modes, wireless flash, 22-bit image processing, a top ISO QQof 1600 and a wide range of white balance options
Third Prize
Samsung NV20 compact digital camera, worth £229. The 12.1-megapixel NV20 features the 35mm equivalent of a 34-102mm lens, seven white balance options, a 2.5in LCD, a top ISO of 3200, a wide range of shooting modes, voice and video recording and weighs just 151.7g