February 7, 2022
Tate Modern to show classic surrealist photographs
A major exhibition at the Tate Modern in London, Surrealism Beyond Borders, will showcase some of the world's most famous surrealist photography
Latest photography news, camera, lens and product launches, announcements and other photography stories
February 7, 2022
A major exhibition at the Tate Modern in London, Surrealism Beyond Borders, will showcase some of the world's most famous surrealist photography
February 5, 2022
We share the latest image selected for AP Smartphone Picture of the Week by Sean Rhodes, taken using a Google Pixel 4A
February 4, 2022
Nigel Atherton looks back at past AP issues in our archive, this week we explore the 7 February 1962 issue.
February 4, 2022
The winners of the 8th International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition, including overall winner Aytek Çetin, reveal the stories behind their photographs
February 4, 2022
Tenba has updated its Fulton backpack range with a larger, 16L capacity pack and a new, all-weather Black Camo backpack
February 3, 2022
The National Portrait Gallery has announced 'The Nation's Family Album', which encourages people to submit images for possible inclusion in a landmark exhibition
February 3, 2022
The 2021 year-end sales report from Japan reveals Sony is the leader in the mirrorless camera market while Canon leads DSLR sales
February 3, 2022
Fujifilm has identified a firmware incompatibility between specific X and GFX cameras, which can result in MacOS users being unable to access image files
February 3, 2022
How can mindfulness help with photography, creativity and mental health generally? Tracy Calder investigates and shares some practical
February 2, 2022
A diverse range of photographers reveal how photography can help boost mental health, along with physical challenges such as ME and Long Covid
February 2, 2022
Professional photographer Jeremy Walker shares his top four reasons to visit Glencoe, a stunning area of Scotland.