February 28, 2007
Fuji fights to give film ‘a decent exposure’
Fujifilm has embarked on a nationwide drive to promote the use of film within the enthusiast and professional markets.
Latest photography news, camera, lens and product launches, announcements and other photography stories
February 28, 2007
Fujifilm has embarked on a nationwide drive to promote the use of film within the enthusiast and professional markets.
February 27, 2007
The Royal Photographic Society has outlined plans to recruit a ‘younger’ membership in a bid to ‘drive the society forward’.
February 23, 2007
Exclusively designed for its digital SLRs are two new lenses from Pentax, both featuring a ‘supersonic motor’ for ‘quieter’ focusing.
February 22, 2007
Canon has confirmed that its 10.1-million-pixel EOS-1D Mark III digital SLR will be launched in April. It will be launched alongside a new EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM lens, due to cost £1319.99.
February 22, 2007
A photographer’s Downing Street petition against 'proposed restrictions' on rights to take pictures in public has confused many into wrongly believing that the government is planning such a move. It seems that the petition was…
February 22, 2007
Here is the full specification for the new EOS-1D Mark III, as supplied by Canon UK. It will cost £3049.99 body only and is due out in April.
February 22, 2007
Canon has today announced the EOS-1D Mark III, a 10.1-million-pixel digital SLR designed to replace the EOS-1D Mark II N. Billed as the 'world's fastest' DSLR, the newcomer is claimed to shoot at up to…
February 21, 2007
Fierce price competition has forced memory card maker SanDisk to axe 10% of its workforce and cut its boss's pay by a fifth.
February 21, 2007
A media rights row has broken out after energy giant Npower handed a High Court injunction to a news photographer covering the company’s controversial activities at Radley Lakes in Oxfordshire.
February 20, 2007
Nikon has bolstered its Coolpix compact family with seven new models including a 10-million-pixel camera with ISO 3200 sensitivity called the Coolpix P5000.
February 20, 2007
Nikon has bolstered its Coolpix compact family with seven new models including a 10-million-pixel camera with ISO 3200 sensitivity called the Coolpix P5000. The P5000 features a lens delivering the 35mm equivalent of a 36-126mm…