August 22, 2006
Police under fire over ‘deleted’ images claims
The Metropolitan Police has hit back at accusations that its officers deleted images captured by news photographers at Heathrow during the recent terror alert.
Latest photography news, camera, lens and product launches, announcements and other photography stories
August 22, 2006
The Metropolitan Police has hit back at accusations that its officers deleted images captured by news photographers at Heathrow during the recent terror alert.
August 21, 2006
Enthusiasts and professionals are invited to enter this year’s Nikon Photo Contest International which is accepting submissions from 1 September-30 November.
August 21, 2006
From today the cost of posting film to the lab using normal post will nearly quadruple, raising fresh fears of the ‘death of film’.
August 18, 2006
AP is investigating a report that police deleted images captured by The Mirror’s senior staff photographer Mike Moore who was covering the terror alert at Heathrow airport last Thursday.
August 18, 2006
Durst enlarger’s UK distributor Tetenal has confirmed that it no longer has any stocks left following news that Durst has stopped making them after 70 years.
August 17, 2006
Royal Mail is under fire after a post office in Yorkshire rejected a five-year-old girl’s passport application photo on the grounds that it showed her with bare shoulders.
August 15, 2006
From this morning passengers will once again be allowed to carry film and cameras on board planes leaving all major UK airports, including Heathrow and Gatwick, according to the British Airports Authority (BAA).
August 14, 2006
The camera phone has overtaken digital and film cameras as the dominant form of image capture device, according to a US-based research company.
August 11, 2006
Film must be packed in the hold luggage and cannot be carried on board flights leaving the UK, the British Airports Authority (BAA) has confirmed to AP this morning.
August 11, 2006
Single-use cameras have been suggested as the possible source of the detonation device that terrorists planned to use to trigger explosions on US-bound planes from the UK.
August 10, 2006
Cameras are among items that have today been banned from being carried onto planes in the UK as part of security measures following the thwarting of an alleged terrorist plot to blow up planes. A…