The 12th Annual Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year competition has opened its doors and is inviting photographers to submit entries.
This year, the competition is split into a wide range of categories including ‘Street Food’, ‘Wedding Food Photographer’ on ‘On the Phone’, for pictures taken on any mobile device. 2023 also sees the addition of a new category – “Moments of Joy”, for images showing the joy experienced in the growing, preparing and cooking, or the serving and eating of food. The winner of this new category will receive a cash prize of £1500.
This year’s global judging panel, chaired by legendary food photographer, David Loftus, includes: Ella Ravilious, Curator, Victoria and Albert Museum, Nik Sharma, Cookbook author, Photographer, Columnist, Claire Rees, Photography Director, Bafta, Phillip Prodger, Executive Director, Curatorial Exhibitions, LA and former Head of Photographs, National Portrait Gallery, London and Rein Skullerud, Head of Photo Unit, World Food Programme.

‘At the table’ by Marguerite Oelofse / Pink Lady© Food Photographer of the Year 2022 – Winner of the Claire Aho Award for Women Photographers
2023 Food Photographer of the Year: How to Enter
The entry fee for photographers aged over 18yrs is £30 and this includes the submission of five images. Additional images are then charged at £6 per entry. Juniors under 18yrs are invited to compete for free with a maximum of five entries. For every entry into the “On the Phone’ category, a donation of £2 is given to Action Against Hunger.

‘Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie’ by Carolin Strothe / Pink Lady© Food Photographer of the Year 2022 – Food Stylist Award
‘I do not usually enter competitions but entered Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year because the imagery is so stellar and the contest focuses specifically on food and wine,’ says Suzanne Becker Bronk, a 2022 Finalist. ‘Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year has elevated the art of food and wine photography with their well run and beautifully curated competition. I am inspired by many of their winners and have discovered excellent food and wine photographers from all over the world.’
‘The Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year competition is by far the pinnacle of the food photography year; it absolutely sets the standard of what is the best and innovative work in food photography around the world,’ says Robin Goodlad, a 2021 Finalist. ‘It is a really important way for me to push myself to see if I can create the best images possible. After all the ways it has benefitted me as a photographer, I can’t imagine not entering! If you have an interest in food photography, then being part of the competition is an absolute must.’
Enter here: Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year
Would you like to showcase your photos? Here are some other great photography competitions to enter in 2022.
Further Reading
Complete Guide – How to shoot food photography
Top food photography tips from award winning photographers