All 227 new MPs are to be briefed about the rules on photography in the Houses of Parliament after authorities confirmed that Liz Kendall MP breached regulations during the Queen’s Speech, Amateur Photographer has learned.

On Tuesday, the MP for Leicester West took a photo of Lords donning robes after the Queen’s Speech and posted it on the social networking website Twitter, sparking an investigation by Parliamentary officials.

It is against Parliamentary regulations to take an unauthorised photograph inside the chamber.

Asked whether Parliamentary authorities have now spoken to Kendall about the incident, a spokesman for the House of Commons – which deals with such matters – told us last night: ‘The House of Lords photography regulations were breached and the House of Commons authorities have dealt with the matter.’

The Serjeant at Arms office added: ‘New members are being briefed on the filming and photography regulations, during their party briefings.’

Alongside her photo (above), captured using a camera phone, Kendall had posted a message on Twitter which read: ‘Quick snap in Lords after Queen’s Speech, haven’t quite managed to capture sheer number of diamonds and tiaras.’

The MP has said she was not aware she had broken any rules and has since apologised.