The new-look AP, on sale from today (Tuesday April 24), needs your input for a range of new features.

We need you to come out with us On Assignment, your masterworks for our Gallery, the ones that didn?t quite work for Garry McNamara?s Critical Eye and your mobile phone snaps for Snapper?s Diary.

On Assignment ? Every month Ben Brain and David Clark will be taking a group of readers out on assignment to different locations around the country. We provide the DSLRs, help in using them and the brief for the assignment – so all you have to do is take the shots and have fun. Ben will be offering technique advice beforehand and during the shoot, and the group will enjoy a friendly and constructive critique when all the pictures are in. It?s a day of fun, learning and a chance to meet other readers. Send your details, including a daytime telephone number and your address to:

On Assignment. Amateur Photographer. Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU

Or email marking your email ?On Assignment?.

McNamara?s Critical Eye ? Not every picture works out, and it?s not always easy to understand why. With Garry McNamara?s help, though, all will become clear, and his expert advice on composition, focusing, framing, film use as well as all things digital will make masters of us all. Send your prints or JPEGs (on a CD/DVD with reference prints and original files as well as adjusted images) for critique to:

Garry McNamara?s Critical Eye. Amateur Photographer. Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU

Snapper?s Diary ? Get snapping with your mobile phone and send us your favourite shot of the week. As photographers we should always have a camera with us and camera phones ensure that even the laziest photographer can capture those spur-of-the-moment shots. This isn?t Gallery, but you can still stun us with your masterworks, or just show us something exciting that happened to you this week. Maybe you got a new camera, a new baby, saw an amazing sunset or have shot anything that?s fun to look at. Don?t forget to tell us your name, what phone you used and a short story behind the picture.

Send your phone snaps to:

Snapper?s Diary. Amateur Photographer. Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU

Or email them to marking your email Snapper?s Diary.