Camera model shown in picture for illustration purposes only

The average price increased from £157 to £174, ‘driven by increased penetration of premium fixed and changeable-lens models’, according to GfK Retail and Technology UK.

Yet, the availability of more expensive cameras has not led to growth in market value.

‘A fall in [sales] volume has meant that the value attributable to the product category has declined 5% month-on-month,’ reports GfK.

In April 2012, the value of the UK market fell 13% compared to the same month in 2011. In June, sales were 7% lower.

In the 12 months to June 2012, the UK photo market dropped 8.3% in value, compared to the year from June 2010-June 2011.

Sales of consumer electronics products, not including cameras, fell 15.3% over the same period.

The news comes just weeks after GfK reported that UK consumers bought around 11% fewer compact cameras than they did just a year ago, as the impact of smartphones on point-and-shoot models takes hold.

Meanwhile, poor weather in June drove a 13% rise in sales of tumble dryers.

And demand for ‘ballpoint pens’ shot up by 14%, according to GfK.