Compact system cameras (CSCs) made up almost a quarter of all interchangeable lens cameras sold in the UK during January, according to new figures.

22% of interchangeable lens cameras were CSC models – a 160% rise on the same month the previous year, states a report by GfK Retail and Technology Ltd.

In value terms, this represents a 90% increase on January 2010.

?The Changeable Lens category has been a success story for some time (January growth was +12%) but particularly the CSC segment which has introduced a new customer to the area and can be seen as a main driver of overall sales,? said a GfK spokesman.

The news comes as the world share of CSC cameras nearly quadruples.

In 2010, CSCs accounted for 11% of all interchangeable lens camera sales, representing almost one million units.

However, UK sales of fixed lens compact cameras fell 3% in volume and 7% in value during January.


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