The privacy watchdog has issued a reminder that it is not illegal for parents and friends to take photos of pupils at school concerts or nativity plays under data protection rules.

Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said today: ‘Having a child perform at a school play or a festive concert is a very proud moment for parents and is understandably a memory that many want to capture on camera.

‘It is disappointing to hear that the myth such photos are forbidden by the Data Protection Act still prevails in some schools.’

The Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) has referred anyone unclear over the law to read its revised guidance which was drawn up in the summer.

An ICO spokesman told us it decided to reissue the warning to drive the message home at a time when schools are staging their Christmas nativity plays.

The watchdog issued similar advice this time last year and there has been no change in the law since then.

The guidance is available HERE


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