Photographic retail chain Jessops has moved to distance itself from a competition run by the supplier of its photobooks, CEWE.

Yesterday we revealed that European photofinishing firm, CEWE Photobooks, which counts Jessops as its ‘biggest partner supplier’, is reviewing the rules of its Europe is Beautiful competition after Amateur Photographer (AP) pointed out an apparent copyright grab.

Terms for the contest, billed as the largest photo competition on the continent, state: ‘By entering the competition, the participants grants [sic] CEWE and related CEWE businesses on a non-exclusive basis all present and future rights, including, without limitation, all copyrights and related proprietary rights.

A spokesman for Jessops, Britain’s largest camera shop chain, told AP today: ?Jessops has never had any knowledge of, or involvement in, the Europe is Beautiful competition that has been executed by our photobook supplier CEWE.

?Jessops has not made any copyright infringement and would never knowingly do so.?

CEWE Photobook’s contest urges photography enthusiasts to enter their best images of Europe for the chance to win prizes that include a two-week cruise and Panasonic DMC-FZ38 camera.