Demand for film cameras has plummeted with analogue models accounting for less than 5% of Leica sales in America. But film cameras are still relevant to a ‘new generation of photographers’, according to the boss of Leica in the UK.

Roger Horn, president of USA-based Leica Camera Inc, told a North Jersey newspaper: ?We still make analogue cameras. We have an MP and M7 which are film cameras, but sales of those cameras have dropped way off. The market is really all digital.?

When asked what percentage of Leica Camera Inc sales are film cameras Horn replied: ?The film cameras are running under 5 per cent.?

Responding to the remarks, David Bell, managing director of UK-based Leica Camera Ltd, said: ?Sales volumes vary worldwide. In Japan film is still considered very cool and there remains a specialist audience for our film cameras, for example, in the fine art world. In Europe, there is also a strong following, but perhaps not to the extent of Japan. This is in contrast to the US where ?new? tends to command greater attention.?

Bell added: ?In the UK, new Leica M film cameras (M7, MP) currently equate to approximately 6% of M cameras sold. Furthermore there continues to be a great demand for film cameras in the second-hand market, making film relevant to a new generation of photographers, which we very much support.?

To read the full interview with Roger Horn visit


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