A one-to-one photography workshop with Sir Paul McCartney?s brother Mike is the top prize in a nationwide competition to find the best pictures of the UK?s parks.

Called ?Postcards from the Park?, the project aims to encourage thousands of people to record on camera ?what they appreciate most about their local park?.

Organisers, the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund, have confirmed that judges will include Amateur Photographer magazine editor Damien Demolder.

The best shots will be turned into postcards and featured in an exhibition in London in September.

Professional photographer Mike McCartney, who will head the judging panel, said: ?Postcards from the Park is a fantastic opportunity to introduce the nation to the great love that photography can bring. I haven?t had any formal training in photography but have shown my work at exhibitions all over the world, including for as year at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. If I can do it, so can you.?

There will be 24 regional winners in two age categories whose entries will be exhibited at the Mile End Park Arts Pavilion in London from 19-26 September.

The closing date is 1 August.

A winners? reception will take place on 19 September, hosted by Mike McCartney.

Backed by parks charity Green Space, the competition is timed to coincide with various events taking place as part of Love Parks Week which takes place between 16-24 June.

For details visit http://www.loveparksweek.org.uk/

For more information about Mike McCartney visit his website at


NEWS UPDATE 5 October 2007: Click here to see details of the winner.

Picture credit: Ray Main