Minox subminiature film cameras may no longer be favoured by secret agents but they still attract collectors, says the brand?s UK importer which has just announced a price crash.

The German manufacturer has more than halved the price on a ?limited number? of the Minox TLX, from £899 to £399.

?This type of camera is coming to the end of its life and Minox is taking the opportunity to complete the remaining camera bodies and offer the 8x11mm film market a top-of-the-range camera for a fraction of what they originally cost,? said Dave Morgan, product co-ordinator for UK importer Newpro (UK) Ltd.

Minox subminiature cameras produce 8x11mm exposures. The first model was manufactured in Latvia and designed by Walter Zapp. It left the factory in 1937.

Morgan added: ?This rather specialised market survives on the continuing interest of Minox 8x11mm enthusiasts, the collector market and those with a fascination with the ?precision mechanics? side of cameras.?

He confirmed that the supply of films and spare battery packs will continue for the ?foreseeable future?.

The Minox TLX kit includes a leather case, measuring chain and film.

Film is supplied by MS Hobbies, in Inverness-shire, Scotland, which also offers a developing service. For details visit http://www.submin.com/forsale/shops/ms_hobbies/index.htm

Minox TLX