Renowned landscape photographer Charlie Waite is set to launch the first in a series of seminars at the London home of Amateur Photographer (AP) and What Digital Camera (WDC) magazines.
The Landscape Photography Seminar will take place on 17 June (6.30pm-8pm) at the Blue Fin Building on London’s South Bank.
Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served, basis and cost £29 each.
Charlie’s presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
AP and WDC staff members will be available to chat and answer questions during the coffee break.
Other seminars planned in the series will cover Nature, Portrait, Travel, Architectural Photography and Techniques.
? To book email: with the words ‘SPI SEMINAR’ in the subject line. Please include your name, address and telephone number. Or call 020 3148 4322 and leave your name and phone number. Places must be booked no later than 29 May.