Projected images are back in vogue claims Nikon which has coined a new phrase, ‘projectography’, and published five rules on ‘Photo Netiquette’.

‘Crowding around a photo book or a camera screen isn’t enough for most of us anymore when it comes to sharing photos – we want to instantly share our personal brand in a bigger way,’ said Nikon UK’s group marketing manager Jeremy Gilbert.

Photographer Martin Lister said: ‘The camera screen is a scaled down version of a photographic album page – always something only to be looked at by small groups of people clustered intimately together. On the other hand, there is a tradition of the projected photograph – indeed, the projected image which is altogether spectacular with its enlarged luminescent images available to larger groups of viewers.’

Nikon has conducted research that shows consumers want to ‘seize control of their personal brand’ and share their images ‘quickly and more publicly’.

It shows that nearly half of Europeans (46.8%) post their images online. While, more than a third of British consumers (35.7%) upload their pictures, according to the survey.

Russians apparently take more pictures of themselves than any other nationality (34.2%). This compares to just 5.6% of Brits.

The timing of the research is no coincidence, coming just days after Nikon’s new Coolpix S1000pj – which includes a built-in projector – went on sale (pictured).

In a tie-up with etiquette experts, Debretts, Nikon has also today published a set of rules to abide by before sharing images.

Photo Netiquette

? Don’t post embarrassing pictures of other people without their permission

? Ensure that you are happy for the pictures you choose to be on the web for all to see

? Remember that your boss, family and friends may look at your pictures, so don’t post any inappropriate images

? Don’t endlessly post picture of yourself – you’ll come across as self-obsessed, rather than interesting

? Think about the impact your photos will have on other people before you share or project them

Nikon polled 12,259 consumers across Europe.

Nikon S1000pj image