Photographers yesterday expressed fears that ticket holders will be barred from posting any photos and video they capture on websites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
The concerns were triggered by the wording of the rules of entry for ticket holders which reads:
‘Images, video and sound recordings of the Games taken by a Ticket Holder cannot be used for any purpose other than for private and domestic purposes and a Ticket Holder may not license, broadcast or publish video and/or sound recordings, including on social networking websites and the internet more generally, and may not exploit images, video and/or sound recordings for commercial purposes under any circumstances, whether on the internet or otherwise, or make them available to third parties for commercial purposes.’
A spokesman for the Locog, the Olympics organising committee, today acknowledged that the wording is unclear, saying: ‘I take your point. I gather that we will clarify this when the tickets are sent out.’
He added: ‘We are not looking to stop private individuals from posting photographs on social networks.
‘What we are trying to do is prevent photos being used for commercial purposes.’