A VIP trip for two people to a European Grand Prix during 2009 is up for grabs as part of an Olympus ?test drive? promotion.

?The package will include overnight accommodation, a close-up view of the team in action and the best view of the race from the Vodaphone McLaren Mercedes VIP Club suite,? said a spokesman.

Runners-up prizes are also up for grabs.

To enter, ask a salesperson to demonstrate the E-3, E-520 or E-420 digital SLRs in-store.

The customer and salesperson are then required to fill out a form, which should be posted to Olympus UK.

The top prize is also available to the salesperson who completes the form with the customer, says Olympus.

The cut-off date is 12 September 2008.

For details of the E-System Test Drive promotion, plus terms and conditions, call Olympus on 01923 831100 or visit www.olympus.co.uk