Sales of Pentax DSLRs rose substantially in the three months to 31 March, helping Pentax turn an operating loss of a year ago into a 1,331million yen profit.

?In the digital camera area, the number of single-lens reflex cameras sold sharply increased from the previous year, and overall sales rose despite fierce price competition with other companies,? states Pentax?s owner, Hoya, in a financial statement.

?As a result, sales for the quarter in this segment stood at 25,920 million yen.?

Hoya adds: ?As for operating income and loss, the effects of cost cutting, achieved via reorganisation during the previous year, produced an operating profit of 1,331million yen, showing a significant improvement in profitability compared to a huge operating loss for the same quarter one year ago.?

The Pentax business segment also includes interchangeable lenses and products such as endoscopes.

The news comes as Pentax prepares to launch its 645D medium-format digital camera onto the Japanese market and soon after the firm?s UK office promised an ‘exciting year’ ahead.