A French press photographer has reportedly been arrested and beaten after falling foul of Greece?s strict rules on photographing its ports.

Olivier Jobard, who works for the Sipa Press agency, has been detained by police and is facing charges that include ?resisting an authority?, according to press freedom body Reporters Without Borders.

Jobard had been covering a story about immigrants in the port of Patras when the incident occurred on 4 July.

It is understood that trouble flared when a coastguard asked Jobard for his photo permit, which he had requested but not yet received. Greece regards its ports as high-security areas.

?When Jobard was unable to produce a permit the guard escorted him to a public toilet, pushed him inside, handcuffed him and hit him several times in the face,? claims Reporters Without Borders, adding: ?He then pulled out a knife, cut the straps of Jobard?s camera, threw the camera to the ground and smashed it with his foot.?

Jobard has lodged a complaint for assault and battery and Reporters Without Borders has condemned the alleged violence used against the photographer.

The Greek authorities claim that Jobard kicked the guard several times after being spotted taking pictures from behind a tree.