Police in Gloucestershire have insisted that they have a duty to investigate all complaints after a photography enthusiast was quizzed over pictures captured from his own house.

Two Police Community Support Officers were called to visit Malcolm Dike after a member of the public thought he had been taking pictures of children at a nearby youth centre, Gloucestershire Police confirmed to AP this morning.

Dike, 58, said he had been taking pictures of a ‘sunset’ from an upstairs window of his home in Arle on Monday evening.

The keen amateur denied he had taken any images containing children.

Dike told the Gloucestershire Echo: ‘It was absolutely outrageous. I have been taking photos for years and never had any problems before.’

He added: ‘I know my photography law and if I am stood in my own home, I can take pictures freely.’

A police source told AP: ‘It was our duty to investigate. We have a duty of care to members of the public. We had a quick chat. He wasn’t arrested or officially questioned. We were satisfied that there was nothing suspicious.’

Police refused to say whether the complaint stemmed from the youth centre or further explain police policy when dealing with such complaints.