AgeThe search is on to find images that bring ?fresh insight? into age and the ageing process in a new competition.

Organised by Amateur Photographer magazine and Newcastle University the contest offers the chance to win £500 worth of photography equipment.

The winning image will be displayed at the Great North Museum’s ‘Coming of Age’ exhibition in January 2011.

Newcastle University, which is campaigning to change the negative perceptions of ageing, says it is looking for images that bring fresh insight into an essential aspect of life: age and the ageing process.

Organisers stress that entrants should not see ageing as meaning only ?the elderly? but rather the journey we all go through from birth to old age.

In addition, along with four other winners from linked competitions across the UK, the AP winner will automatically qualify for entry to a grand prize competition where there is a one-in-five chance of winning an additional £500 cash prize.

Entrants should email their pictures to Amateur Photographer at ensuring ‘CHANGING AGE’ is included in the subject line.

Please include your name, address and a contact number to ensure you can be reached should your photo be selected.

The competition closes on 31 October 2010.

For details click HERE

To view a gallery of images entered so far visit