A workroom with space for around 300 photographers has been promised by organisers of the London 2012 Olympics.

The Olympic Delivery Authority outlined the facilities for photographers as part of the Main Press Centre for London 2012.

In addition, there will be conference rooms to accommodate around 100 photographers.

Sebastian Coe, chair of the London 2010 Organising Committee, said: ?Billions of people around the world rely on the international media to relay stories of human endeavour on the field of play and capture the atmosphere of the Games.?

Last year photographers hoping to take pictures of the Olympic construction site in East London were warned they will be questioned if suspected of photographing ‘security operations’.

The caution came after amateur photographer Dr Patrick Green said security guards stopped him taking pictures from a public road that leads to the Olympic site.

In 2008, organisers of the Olympic Games in Beijing banned spectators from carrying ‘professional’ camera gear into the stadium.

Cameras were banned alongside guns, grenades, gunpowder and explosives.