Pressure from angry photographers has forced competition organisers to remove a controversial rights-grabbing clause in the terms of entry after a barrage of complaints.

Initially, organisers vigourously defended their right to publish entries anywhere they like, on the grounds that only amateurs – not professionals – are eligible to enter.

Launched by the Container Shipping Information Service (CSIS), the contest offers prizes totalling $1,500.

But the rules stated that submissions ‘become the property of the CSIS’ and that organisers ‘may use and display them for any defined, reasonable and lawful purposes thereafter, whether a photo is a winning photo or not’.

When confronted over the rules last month a spokeswoman failed to dispel any concerns entrants were likely to face, telling Amateur Photographer: ‘CSIS completely understands and respects the sensitivities surrounding copyright. For that reason, we have only allowed amateur or ?have-a-go? photographers to enter. Professional photographers are not eligible to enter.’

The clause has now been removed, the spokeswoman admitting that this followed a ?number of emails? sent to organisers.

Organisers conceded that it was vital that the contest reflects the opinions of those it is aimed at.

The deadline has been extended to 30 September to attract more entries under the newly, fairer, terms of entry.

The competition aims to ‘improve the image of the container shipping industry’.

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