The National Union of Journalists has hit out at court orders forcing press photographers and broadcasters to hand over footage of last month?s riots in England.

The NUJ said it was appalled and that the move puts journalists at risk.

The union urged media organisations to ?challenge the court orders?.

NUJ London Photographers? Branch Secretary Jason N Parkinson accused those complying with the court orders, of turning ?every photographer, videographer and journalist into potential targets?.

He claimed this will lead to an increase in the number of assaults on the press while covering public order events.

The BBC, Sky and ITN are reported to be among those to have already agreed to hand over footage, while the Guardian and Times newspapers have resisted, according to an article in today?s Times.

During the summer, media groups voiced disappointment after a judge ruled that news agencies and broadcasters must hand over photographs and footage of rioting in Belfast.