Fuelled by last month’s riots, press photographers will tonight discuss how to document violence safely.
The event, organised by the London Photographers? Branch of the National Union of Journalists, follows attacks on photographers attempting to document the disorder.
?Following the recent riots across London and the UK, and the widening unrest and uprisings internationally, the September branch meeting will focus on ?Public Order: Covering Volatile Situations Safely ? Home and Abroad?, say organisers.
Speakers are due to include Carmen Valino, a photographer experienced in documenting unrest and Jason N Parkinson, a video journalist.
?We will look at preparation, planning, support equipment, frontline behaviour, exit strategy and the tactics and weapons you will come into contact with.?
Among those targeted during the August violence was a photojournalist who was ‘dragged to the ground by four youths and beaten’ in Hackney, east London, reported the Guardian newspaper.
The incident, witnessed by Amateur Photographer?s Gemma Padley, followed similar attacks in Tottenham where two Mail on Sunday photographers were ‘viciously beaten by masked youths’.
In a bid to remain inconspicuous, agency photojournalists reportedly began to ditch their DSLRs, turning instead to compact cameras when documenting the disorder.
Last week, photographers blasted moves by UK courts which force press photographers and broadcasters to hand over images of the riots.
The meeting takes place tonight from 6pm-9pm at the National Union of Journalists headquarters, 308 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8DP.