Historic photographs will be revealed to millions worldwide via image-sharing website Flickr, in a bid to give the public greater access to such archives.

Initially, three collections from the National Photography Collection will be available online.

?The site allows the public to contribute information and personal comment to the collections and tag images,? said a spokesman for the National Media Museum in Bradford, West Yorkshire where the pictures are held.

Among the first photos to appear in Flickr?s Collections in the Commons is Peter Henry Emerson?s ?Picture from Life in Fields and Fen? from 1887 (shown below).

The museum plans to put further images on Flickr throughout the year but it is not yet clear which ones.

The National Photography Collection boasts around three million images and is known to feature work by British photographic inventor William Henry Fox Talbot, including the ?world?s first negative?.

Emerson/NMMPicture courtesy National Media Museum


Kodak/NMMSpirit/NMMPictures courtesy National Media Museum