Photography graduates across Scotland are being given the chance to shoot a portrait of the Queen.

The project, open to photo students who have graduated from Scotland-based educational establishments in the past four years, will see the portrait go on display at the Scottish Parliament.

A panel that includes renowned photographer Harry Benson CBE will choose the winner.

Benson will mentor the winner during the shoot, due to take place at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in the summer.

He said: ?Millions and millions of people have photographed the Queen, but only a select few have ever been asked to take a special portrait of Her Majesty.

?I am looking forward to learning more about many of the new photographers emerging from Scotland and am delighted to have the chance to help mentor the eventual winner.?

The idea for the competition followed a request made by Murdo Fraser MSP for a portrait of the Queen to go on display in the Scottish Parliament.

Applicants are being invited to submit a proposal for how they would approach the commission, a statement about their artistic practice and examples of their work.

All higher educational establishments in Scotland which run photography courses are being invited to nominate two graduates for the honour.

The winner will be announced in May.