A photographer’s arm was broken by a police officer’s baton during last month’s G20 protests, according to a complaint to be lodged with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

Details of the complaint were revealed today at a meeting of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, which is looking into the behaviour of police during the G20 protests on 1 and 2 April.

The allegation is among a dossier of 13 complaints to be submitted to the police complaints watchdog by National Union of Journalists (NUJ) general secretary Jeremy Dear.

The complaints were reported by photographers and journalists covering the demonstrations.

An NUJ spokesman confirmed: ‘Jeremy gave evidence to the Commons Home Affairs Committee earlier today.’

The NUJ tells us that it will send the dossier of complaints to the IPCC either today or tomorrow.


‘Dossier’ of complaints

G20 death probe: Photographers set to help