Press photographers have called on the Government to back a European Court of Human Rights ruling that police use of Section 44 stop-and-search laws is illegal.

Pete Murray, president of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), said: ?The NUJ is calling on the new Government to ensure the recent European Court of Human Rights decision ? ruling that stop-and-search powers under Section 44 are illegal – is recognised and upheld.?

The controversial law, which allows police officers to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion, has been heavily criticised by many, including photographers.

Earlier this year the European Court of Human Rights ruled that police powers to stop and search have ‘not been curbed by adequate legal safeguards so as to offer the individual adequate protection against arbitrary interference?.

The former government appealed against the decision. The appeal hearing is yet to take place.

Last week photographers cautiously welcomed confirmation that a review of Section 44 will be included in a wider review of anti-terror legislation.

We understand that the Government will look into the possibility of moderating Section 44 – the way it can be used.

The Home Office will base part of its review about the use of Section 44, on the result of the former government’s appeal against the European ruling.