Amateur Photographer magazine has launched a nationwide search to find the best royal wedding photographer, with less than 24 hours to go before the historic event.

Up for grabs to the winner of the online-based contest is a Samsung WB210 digital compact camera (see below).

The news comes as camera giant Nikon estimates that 327 million royal wedding-related photos will be captured on digital cameras tomorrow.

As for Kate and William’s official wedding photographer, Hugo Burnand, he tells us that he will be using a top-end Hasselblad.

Entrants are challenged to submit shots which capture the atmosphere of the day.

These can include:

? The build-up

? The procession

? Themed gifts

? Street parties

? Painted faces

? Union Flags

Entries should be emailed to

The competition closes on Tuesday 31st May 2011 (UK residents only).

For full details, including terms and conditions, click HERE


Official royal wedding photographer reveals all

Samsung WB210