A man has been sentenced over the death of his wife whose motionless body was revealed in a photograph taken by a tourist during a scuba-diving trip.

David Gabriel Watson, 32, from the United States was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail, according to a report on BBC News.

Watson had denied drowning his 26-year-old wife, Christina, during a scuba-diving trip the couple took ten days after they got married in October 2003.

He has since pleaded guilty to manslaughter having returned to Australia voluntarily.

As we reported in 2007, detectives pored over a photograph captured by a tourist during the dive, which took place off the Great Barrier Reef.

When developed, the image revealed ‘Tina’s’ motionless body, lying on the seabed in the background of the picture.


Scuba-diving photo back in the news

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