How did you come to buy secondhand?
I’d been shooting events for a while, but had just booked my first wedding and figured I needed a second body. I was looking for a full-frame camera, but didn’t have much money at the time. Online, I’d heard people raving about the Canon 5D ‘Classic’ and how it was still a lovely camera to use, even though the Mark IV had already come out at that point. So I popped on to Gumtree and saw that someone was selling it not too far away, for not too much money. Graeme, the seller, met me at the train station in Linlithgow.

You got more than just the camera, right?
When I told him about why I was buying the camera, he told me that he was a wedding photographer and offered to take me along as a second shooter! I’ve shot several weddings with Graeme over the past couple of years – he’s taught me many a thing about wedding photography. I would probably consider the Canon 5D the luckiest purchase I’ve ever made. I guess the moral of my second-hand kit story is to always be nice to the people you’re buying your gear from – you never know what’ll come of it!

See more of Zoe’s work here.