Security guards routinely target photographers in the City of London, a Freedom of Information request lodged by the Guardian newspaper has revealed.

The findings echo Amateur Photographer (AP) magazine’s conversations with City of London Police, as innocent photographers continue to be stopped under controversial Section 44 stop-and-search laws.

The City of London Police advice to security personnel – outlined in the Project Griffin document obtained by the Guardian – states: ?In this period of heightened alert, we must report possible reconnaissance to the police and develop a culture of challenging suspicious behaviour.?

Such behaviour covers people using recording equipment, including ?camera phones?.

Last December, police issued advice – through AP – urging photographers to carry ID with them when out and about.

In a statement released to AP, City of London Police said: ‘Photographers should carry identification where possible and be prepared to answer questions about why they are taking photographs, if they are asked.’

The advice added: ‘Police and security officers have a duty to protect the public and the City of London has traditionally been a high-profile target for terrorists.’

The police issued the statement to AP in response to reports of photographers triggering security concerns in the Square Mile.