Welcome to this week’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, where we select and share our favourite smartphone photograph taken by our online followers.
Charlie Jobson
This week’s photograph is by Charlie Jobson using Samsung A21s.

“I had photographed this window in an outbuilding at Howick Hall, Northumberland, a few times from different angles using my Sony A6500, but on this day I decided to use my Samsung A21s phone, knowing that it is very good at capturing light like this. Indeed the only editing I did in Snapseed was to correct converging verticals. The version I posted on Instagram also had black borders added because of Instagram’s limitations on vertical format shots.
I have been interested in photography since my teens in the 1960s, dabbling at first, then starting to take it a bit more seriously in the late 1970s shooting all kinds of subjects, mainly on slide film, and now I love the freedom that digital photography gives me to capture and share my personal view of the world around me.
I share photos on Instagram @charlie.jobson and Photocrowd https://www.photocrowd.com/charliejobson/ in the hope that others will appreciate them.”
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
Further reading
Smartphone Picture of the Week 21/08/21