
Picture credit: Jim Brandenburg

Award-winning National Geographic photographer Jim Brandenburg will give an illustrated talk at an event to be held in London on 10 December.

Hosted by Grays of Westminster, in conjunction with Nikon Owner magazine, Brandenburg will give a presentation as part of a Grand Christmas dinner to be held at the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall.

A spokesman for Grays said: ‘There will be a unique opportunity to listen to Jim Brandenburg’s extraordinary stories as he presents some of his breathtaking images.’

Brandenburg, from Minnesota, has spent more than 30 years travelling the world on assignments for National Geographic magazine.

He has picked up a string of awards including Wildlife Photographer of the Year and a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens title.

Tickets for the evening cost £155 (£95 to Nikon Owner subscribers).

To book call 0207 828 4925.

For more details about Jim Brandenburg’s work visit