Dame Vera Lynn has been approached to assess photographs of Dover?s famous ?white cliffs? after the town council?s website sparked a media storm when it showed the wrong cliffs.

As we reported earlier today, instead of using a picture showing Dover?s cliffs, the council?s home page apparently depicts a Sussex coastline some 76 miles away.

After admitting the mistake, the council appealed to the public for genuine photos of Dover?s cliffs for potential publication on the website – stipulating that they must meet the ‘necessary standard’.

Amateur Photographer (AP) can reveal that Dame Vera Lynn, famous for her rousing Second World War song Bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover, has now been approached to help the council out of a crisis.

Speaking to AP, town clerk Mike Webb said he called Dame Vera this morning for help in judging any images it receives.

He said he expects to hear back from Dame Vera in a few days.

Meanwhile, he told us he is not prepared to remove the current image which he believes may actually depict one of dozens of bays in the local area, rather than a Sussex beauty spot, as has been reported in the press.

He dismissed coverage of the story as a ?media feeding frenzy? and said the website photo had been there for ?three years? before a local photographer spotted the error.

The town council had obtained it from a picture library.

Webb has appealed to photographers and members of the public to provide a picture of the cliffs for publication ?free of charge?.

?We are all hard up, we are all strapped for cash,? he told AP.

Webb confirmed that the name of the photographer whose image is chosen for the website will be published.


Council admits ‘white cliffs’ photo foul up