
Images: A superb amount of detail can be captured, but purple fringing is visible in the corner of both raw and JPEG images shot with the 18mm lens
I have few complaints about the 256-zone evaluative metering of the X-Pro1. Generally, images are well exposed and the few times I did need to tweak the given exposure I could do so using the exposure compensation dial, without having to take my eye away from the viewfinder.
A half-press of the shutter button shows a preview of the exposure and depth of field, so it is easy to assess the scene quickly and make any changes before the image is taken. This is one of the advantages of using the electronic viewfinder.
For more complicated scenes, such as metering for highlights in a particularly strong sunset, I opted to use the X-Pro1’s spot metering option. However, I found that the often-overlooked average metering was one of my favourite methods. I say this because it is predictable, making it easy to compensate for an ‘incorrect’ metered exposure. It is also easy in this mode to tilt the camera upwards to expose for the sky, and then lock the exposure and recompose.
As I stated previously, the direct shutter speed and exposure compensation dials, combined with the lens aperture ring, make it easy to alter exposure quickly. However, the multi-metering setting rarely needed more than a slight ±0.6EV adjustment.