White balance and colour

The colour rendition of Fuji’s X-series cameras is one of their strengths. Hardly a tweak is needed for JPEG files from the X100S, as they are generally spot on. In bright daylight, the standard colour mode produces punchy and realistic colours.

Using the vivid colour setting in such conditions produces overly saturated colours. Likewise, AWB retains the warm tone of evening sunlight – I could see little difference between this white balance setting and the sunny preset.

There are many colour modes, including a full set of filters in the black & white mode. Each colour mode is named after Fuji’s various film stock, such as Provia and Astia, and aims to replicate the effect. Colour bracketing in JPEG-only capture can record up to three colour modes (film stock) simultaneously, although raw images can be converted post-capture using any of the colour modes and white balance settings. However, I found little need to shoot in anything other than the standard colour mode and then make my changes in-camera.

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