White balance and colour

Image: Skin tones are accurate in this portrait taken in overcast conditions and recorded in JPEG format, using AWB

Despite packing a sensor that uses Fuji’s EXR colour array rather than a Bayer arrangement, it is difficult to notice drastic differences in real-world images between the XF1’s colour rendition and that of other similar cameras. Like all Fuji’s current digital cameras, the colour mode menu is called Film Simulation, and includes three colour modes named after the company’s own film. Provia is the standard mode and gives relatively natural results, while Velvia creates a pleasant, vivid rendition that refrains from oversaturation.

There is also a black & white mode with a choice of yellow, red or green filter effects. These key filters are designed to cover most general shooting, with the green filter flattering for portraits and red filter for adding tonal depth to the sky in a landscape.

As with most auto white balance systems, a dominant colour in the scene can trick the camera into producing an ‘off’ colour cast, so shooting in raw is advisable for general use so that changes can be made post-capture. When time permits, taking a custom reading is quick, as is changing to a suitable white balance preset. As a default, white balance is accessed by one of the buttons on the rear through the E-Fn menu.

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