All current NX cameras use Samsung’s own 20.3-million-pixel, APS-C-sized CMOS sensor, which means that the NX1000 is capable of capturing a great level of detail. This is good news for anyone trying to choose between the NX cameras because the same image quality is available throughout the range.
Of course, the key feature of note is Wi-Fi compatibility, because Samsung is the first manufacturer to include this in its interchangeable-lens cameras. The Wi-Fi menu contains options for email, social sharing, auto back-up, TV link, MobileLink and Remote Viewfinder. The latter two options work via Samsung’s smartphone apps, available for both Android and iPhone systems. MobileLink is used to transfer photos on the camera to a smartphone, and Remote Viewfinder is designed as a remote release with control over shutter, image size and drive mode. In use, Wi-Fi can be a little glitchy and slow to connect, but when fully operational it has great tools for shooting and instantly sharing. Also, once an image is on a phone, photo-editing tools can be employed for image adjustments.
Most of Samsung’s NX lenses now offer i-Fn control, and considering the NX1000 has a limited number of controls on its body, the extra access point for exposure controls via the lens is welcome. These controls can be adjusted using the front lens ring and navigated using the control wheel. The i-Fn menu can hold up to five control options, including shutter speed, white balance, exposure compensation and ISO.
There are many other features included, and the camera is packed with useful shooting modes. Noteworthy examples include an 8fps burst rate and bracketing for exposure, white balance and colour.

Image: In the close-up image, exposure has been pushed 2EV to reveal plenty of detail in the shadow areas