Our Verdict

With Sony having so many cameras positioned in the entry-level and enthusiast market it might seem a little confusing, but each Alpha model attempts to fill its own niche in the market. The Alpha 450 warrants its place in the Alpha line-up by being an affordable 14.2-million-pixel camera with in-camera image stabilisation, dynamic range optimisation, HDR image creation and a 7fps shooting rate.

While I like the extra features of the Alpha 550, I don’t miss them when I use the more affordable Alpha 450. As both cameras feature the same sensor, they resolve a great deal of detail and, if images are correctly exposed, noise is well controlled up to around ISO 1600. As most photographers will rarely shoot much higher than this, the level of image noise beyond this point is acceptable, if not good.

The camera does have its quirks, such as the suspect placement of a couple of buttons and the AF illumination being tied in to the flash, but I wouldn’t spend too much time dwelling on these issues as you can comfortably work with them.If you already own an entry-level Alpha camera and are looking for a affordable upgrade, the Sony Alpha 450 could well be the camera for you.

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