
Using Adobe Lightroom to add a little fill light and to push the exposure by +2EV shows there is plenty of detail in shadow areas, but push beyond 2EV and detail is noisy

Like most cameras in this price range, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 has multi-pattern, centreweighted and spot metering modes. From a standard test of the multi-pattern metering (achieved by tilting the camera up while shooting a landscape, from land to a sunny sky), the system performs as expected. The biggest shift in the metering comes when the percentage of land and sky in a scene is between 50/50 and then 40/60, at which point the exposure is reduced most noticeably.

I would like to see the metering reduce the exposure for more detail in the sky a little sooner. Spot metering is quick and simple to achieve. Like spot AF, any of 176 areas in the central portion of the frame can be selected.

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