February 28, 2017
Quick tips: Discover hidden detail
In today's Quick Tips, we look at getting up close and seeing the hidden details in our photographs
Tips and techniques on macro photography, including what is macro photography, how to shoot great macro photographs, best kit for macro photography, specific macro subjects, and everything else you might need to know about shooting great macro images.
February 28, 2017
In today's Quick Tips, we look at getting up close and seeing the hidden details in our photographs
November 22, 2016
Autumn is the perfect season to indulge in some close-up and macro photography, says Tracy Calder. So pack your bag and head out to the woods
August 9, 2016
Levon Biss has spent more than two years creating stunning insect portraits using a unique microscopic shooting set-up, as he explains to Steve Fairclough
July 9, 2016
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza captures the smallest details of nature in his photos. He tells Jade Severs how he does it
January 29, 2016
Discover a hidden world, as Mikael Buck shows you how to shoot incredible close-ups
August 17, 2015
Nadav Bagim doesn't just photograph insects, he places them in charming imaginary worlds. Tom Smallwood finds out more
July 7, 2015
Nature provides a wealth of photographic opportunities - and many of them are closer than you might think… Jacky Parker gives her top tips for taking photos in your garden
July 5, 2012
Alan McFaden explains how to take macro photos in our quick and easy guide. See the equipment, settings and Photoshop tricks you'll need for great macro pictures
July 4, 2012
Equip yourself with the right digital camera equipment for close up photography. We tell you what you might need for great close up photos...
July 3, 2012
In our close up flower photography tips John Freeman reveals the equipment and techniques behind some of his favourite flower photographs...
November 16, 2011
Wildlife photographer Paul Hobson and three AP readers explore the possibilities of studio-based macro still life and show how the simplest of lighting set-ups can produce creative results. Oliver Atwell joins them