Using an iPhone

photo by Annabel Williams

love shooting with my Apple iPhone,’ says Annabel. ‘I’m particularly
fond of the Hipstamatic and Camera+ functions. I love Hipstamatic
because you never quite know what you’re going to get – in fact, it
reminds me of working with cross-processed film years ago. With Camera+
you have more control and can do all sorts of things to the picture in a
few simple clicks, making pretty ordinary pictures look amazing.

photo by Annabel Williams

if you are taking photographs on a proper shoot, where you are
controlling the lighting and so on, then just picking 
up your iPhone
can result in some great shots.
‘I am always careful to keep the
subject’s face more in the centre of the shot when using apps,’ says
Annabel. ‘Apps tend to do weird things to the edges, so you need to
check that you don’t get colours bleeding into the face, for example.
With objects this is fine, though, and just adds to the wacky look,
particularly with Hipstamatic.’

photo by Isabel Murphy

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