Amateur Photographer 19 March 2016
- David Tipling reveals how he takes his striking shots of the humble frog
- Joe Cornish’s new book is a selection of personal favourite locations around Britain. He talks to David Clark about the images
- Set along the dramatic Northumberland coast, Budle Bay offers superb photo opportunities, says Jon Gibbs
- We look at a selection of images from the 59th World Press Photo competition
- You can find inspiration for abstract subjects in any number of locations, explains Steve Gosling
- Damien Demolder offers expert advice on improving your pictures
- Callum McInerney-Riley reveals how the Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R performed during a six-month test
- Aurora HDR Pro software is designed for users to edit and process high dynamic range images. We put it to the test
- A week in photography
- Your letters
- We spotlight readers’ excellent images and how they captured them
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- ‘Boulevard de Strasbourg, corsets’, 1912, by Eugène Atget
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