What’s in the digital version Amateur Photographer 3 September 2016?

- We take a close first look at the newly announced and hotly anticipated Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. What’s new?
- The rise of mirrorless: We investigate the advances in mirrorless CSCs since their inception eight years ago
- What do the pros think? Geoff Harris quizzes some professional photographers about the pros and cons of mirrorless and DSLR systems
- Paul Ratje demonstrates how an APS-C compact camera improved his street photography
- DSLR vs Mirrorless: Michael Topham pits DSLR and mirrorless systems against each other in a variety of live-shooting situations
- APOY 2016 Round 7: It’s the street photography round, with Sigma prizes worth up to £1,055
- A week in photography
- The latest and best books from the world of photography
- Your letters and what’s trending on the AP website
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Roger Hicks considers… ‘Gladioli #1′, 2012, by John Williamson
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